Calculate your Akan Name!

Pro Tip!

Akan names come from a traditional naming system for people from countries such as Togo, Ivory Coast and Ghana.

How it works?

A child's name is determined by factors surrounding his or her birth. For example, the day of their birth or the manner in which they were born may determine which name they get irrespective of their gender.

Primary card title

Akan names are not just names given to children to give them identity. The names have different meanings and appellations.


Akan Naming System Table

Day of The Week Female Name Male Name
Sunday Akosua Kwasi
Monday Adwoa Kwadwo
Tuesday Abenaa Kwabena
Wednesday Akua Kwaku
Thursday Yaa Yaw
Friday Afua Kofi
Saturday Ama Kwame
second restuarant image

Fill the form to get your Akan name:

